Meet the 2021 summer student team
We couldn't do what we do without our student team, both during the school year and during the summer. Here's an overview of the 2021 summer team's projects:
Jodi and Carter, overseen by Jed Harvey, sample 14 lakes and seven beaches every week, and 12 streams every-other week. While in the building, they input and double-check data.
Meanwhile, in the lab, Ry, Morgan and Lyndy (overseen by Dr. Frentzel) are testing water samples and counting algae. They also create microscope slides to catalog the variety of species they identify.
Grace and Josh (who doubles as an aquarium team member) are overseen by Sarah Baier. Together, they develop K-12 programs. They regularly host groups of visitors at our building!
Nathaniel and Josh maintain over 80 aquariums and keep our 400+ fish, two turtles, two frogs, and crayfish healthy.
Behind the scenes (and often in the woods), Zach maintains the trails. He has also helped extensively with the landscaping around our building!
Next, meet the Lilly Center staff
If you’d like to volunteer for K-12 programs, be a boat captain, give toward a specific project, or schedule an interview with an aquatic scientist, reach out today.