
806 Connection Cir, Winona Lake, IN 46590
9:30 am - 11:30 am

Restoring Pollinator Pathways

Pollinators benefit the environment’s health but are also very crucial to our garden and agricultural production. How could such a small creature have such an enormous impact on sustaining our food but also profiting our crop production? Alicia Symons, Stormwater Coordinator for the City of Warsaw, will share about pollinator habitat loss and how you can make a positive impact to restore pollinator pathways.

Pollinators allow plants to reproduce in our urban and rural landscapes. Do not be daunted, there is much you can do to help restore pollinator pathways, even in your own backyard, regardless of where you live or how big your property is. Symons will discuss the simple steps you can take to restore pollinator pathways.

You will also build your very own bee hotel to welcome pollinators to your garden this spring!

This event is underwritten by City of Warsaw Stormwater Utility

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May 4
Earth Day Festival

Earth Day Festival

Levinson-LaBrosse Lakes and Wetland Education Center and Ruddell Pavilion at the WACF, 11586 N. State Road 13 Syracuse, IN 46567
11:00 am - 3:00 pm

Join Wawasee Area Conservancy Foundation's Earth Day celebrations with fun for the whole family! 

May 18
Expedition: Wildflower ID Hike

Expedition: Wildflower ID Hike

Wildwood, 409 IN-14, Silver Lake, IN 46982
10:00 am - 11:30 am

Join the Lilly Center for a wildflower identification hike at Wildwood Acres Land Trust on Saturday, May 18th from 10-11:30 a.m. Gavin King, stewardship assistant for ACRES Land Trust, will guide the hike and provide helpful tips to identify wildflowers...