Lilly Center Art Contest
Creatively expressing the value of local water resources.
Each year, the Lilly Center Art Contest invites 4th-12th grade students from across Kosciusko County to submit their creative depiction of our local waterways. Artists with winning entries receive cash prizes and the privilege of having their artwork on display in public spaces throughout the county.
2024-25 Lilly Center Art Contest: Wonders in the Water
The 2024-25 contest is open for submissions! Please leave artwork with Ariel Wagner at the Lilly Center, located at 806 Connection Circle, Winona Lake, IN.
All artwork is due no later than Friday, April 4, 2025.
Prizes will be awarded for First ($100), Second ($75), and Third ($50) places. Winners are selected in each of the following grade categories: 4th/5th/6th, 7th/8th, 9th/10th, 11th/12th. Winning pieces will be exhibited in public spaces and made into a collection of greeting cards.
Contest Rules
Artwork is evaluated by the Grace College art department. They’re searching for overall creativity, artistic merit and depiction of the theme, but to make sure your piece passes every test, follow these guidelines. (We’d hate for your artwork to be removed from the contest on a technicality!)
- One entry per student
- Students may use any medium
- Artwork must be one-dimensional or two-dimensional
- Artwork should be mounted, matted and/or framed
- Do not use sand, glitter or material that may flake
- A fixative must be sprayed on work using pastel or charcoal
- Artwork should be neither smaller than 8”x10” or larger than 16”x20”
- “Artwork Description” must be filled out
This is important: No artwork depicting invasive species (i.e. trumpeter and tundra swans are acceptable, mute swans are not) will be considered! Native plants, animals and landscapes only, please.
Finally, the submission form (found below) must be attached to the back of the entry. Use the Artwork Description to reflect on how your artwork imagines life at the lake in the past or the future. We look forward to seeing how you inspire your community to preserve its natural history!
That’s it! Artwork is returned to students after the judging process, unless the artwork is among the winning pieces. Winning selections will be returned at the art contest ceremony.

Support young artists
Why does this contest matter students? We asked a few recent winners for their perspectives.