upcoming event
MISSION: Clean Water
Join us for MISSION: Clean Water!
This literature-based, interactive program features a book* that takes us on a journey through our local waterways and all the way to the ocean! As we travel, you will be amazed to see how interconnected waterways are and how important it is to keep these precious resources clean. Your MISSION is to put on your thinking cap and act like a scientist or engineer to clean up a polluted waterway. Your team will create a plan, purchase materials with your budget, design and construct a solution to try! Come and see which team creates the best solution for MISSION: Clean Water!
*The first 10 families to register will receive a free copy of the book!
RSVP here: followwater.
See all of the programs here.
Explore Other Events
Expedition: Sunrise Beaver Hike
Learn about and observe beavers in their natural habitat while watching the picturesque sunrise!
Growing Together Part IV: How to Save Seeds
Collect your own seeds from the Lilly Center's native landscaping and learn how to store and start native plants from Jacob Macke, owner of Chapman Lake Nursery!