Field Notes

September 17, 2021

Meet the 2021-22 student team!

Read Time: 2 minutes
Lilly Center Student Team

A new school year means a new group of student workers.

For many people, the year starts in January. But for anyone in a school system or higher education, the year actually starts in August!

Our team nearly quadruples in size each school year. The picture above shows many of our Grace College student workers; some of you may see their smiling faces in the community over the next nine months. They’re energetic, intelligent and ready to make an impact on our county.

Why do we hire so many students?

These young people are the literal boots-on-the-ground of our organization. They help us manage day-to-day operations so we can conduct more research and reach more K-12 students and community members. Rather than dilute our mission, the student team enhances it.

What do they do?

We have five student teams: research, algae, education, aquariums and public relations. Most students work 5-10 hours each week. They go stream sampling, maintain aquariums, create K-12 curriculum and write blog posts … among many other important tasks! While they’re with us, we also train the team on soft skills, specialized equipment and programs, and more.

What can we expect from the Lilly Center in 2021-22?

There are so many programs and projects to look forward to! Here are a few:

  • Beneath the Surface. Our annual lake research report will be released in October.
  • K-12 Field Trips. We’re debuting a number of new options, including virtual, indoor and outdoor programs to fit classrooms’ needs.
  • Next year! 2022 is our 15th anniversary. More news to come.
Dr. Nate Bosch interviewed on Clearly Kosciusko podcast

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How familiar are you with the history of the Lilly Center? Listen to this podcast to learn about our founding, as well as some little-known facts about the lakes.