
Expedition: Aquatic Plant Identification
Spend an evening outside at Shock Lake with Matthew Linn, a DNR biologist, and learn about the diverse aquatic plants in our lakes.

Expedition: Oppenheim Woods Hike
Bring your family and friends and explore the woods around Lake Tippecanoe through this hands-on learning event.

Critter Enounter: Crayfish

Critter Encounter: Turtle

Critter Encounter: Frog

Critter Encounter: Crayfish
Learn about the fascinating world of crayfish from Lilly Center scientists.

Microscopic Marvels: Science Lab Workshop
Tour the Lilly Center’s algae research lab, then participate in an algae scavenger hunt.

Algal Bloom Action Team Webinar
Predicting when and where conditions are ripe for harmful algal blooms would ideally reduce the bloom’s impact on water quality and mitigation costs, so why is harmful algal bloom prediction so complex?

Expedition: Foraging (October 5)
Learn to forage for wild edibles with interpretive naturalist, Luke Hunt.

Critter Encounters: Crayfish
Learn about crayfish, native fish species and more during this family-friendly event.

Critter Encounters: Turtles
See, touch and even hold a turtle during this family-friendly learning event.

Critter Encounters: Frogs
Observe native frog species up close, do a themed craft and more.

Partner Event Collaboration